Monday, March 2, 2015

Play safe with agricultural land for sale Kenya

Agriculture being the backbone of the Kenyan economy is therefore the largest contributor of the Country’s gross domestic product as well as the major source of food for majority of Kenyans. It is a very crucial sector in the Kenyan republic which needs close monitoring and sufficient support both from the national government and all the 47 county governments. This is particularly so because without agriculture, the country could be staring at starvation and even possible deaths as a result of hunger. Therefore more locals and even foreign investors need to be encouraged more to invest in agricultural land for sale Kenya.
Farming poses as a safe bet for investors who are afraid of taking risks because farm products are some of the most sought after goods in Kenya. With such surety it is evident that that this venture is guaranteed to bring in profits since the general population of Kenya is likely to come running for the farm products. With majority of Kenyans practicing agriculture only for subsistence, competition in this sector of the economy is quite minimal. This is bound to ensure a quick movement of goods as well as rake in maximum profits.
Another advantage of venturing into farming in Kenya is the fact that it is easier to start considering that it requires a small amount of capital to start. Unlike the real estate sector which requires huge amounts of money to venture into, farming only requires securing a plot of land and buying seeds for planting or cattle to rear. This is further enhanced by the availability of cheap and affordable labor. With these, one can greatly reduce the cost of production and subsequently increase the profit margins by a high percentage.
Kenya has lots of fertile lands that can efficiently support farming activities. Areas like the Rift valley province where most large scale farming is done in Kenya has huge tracts of land where one can undertake farming. Most of these lands are available on freehold basis which comes at a cheaper rate compared to leasehold lands. The investor gets to fully own lands bought on freehold terms and there are no land rates to be paid after purchase. But not to worry because the leasehold lands come at a period of 99 years of which is a long period of time going by the current lifespan. This is more than enough period to have gotten returns on your investment even more than tenfold. 
With a number of lakes and several rivers in Kenya, water which is the most basic component for any agricultural activity should not be a problem at all to any investor looking to invest in agricultural land for sale Kenya. There are a number of dams that have been constructed all over the country to curb the problem of shortage of water for farming. Investors can also take advantage of conserved water catchment areas like the Mau forest which help to bring rainfall which is a recipe for farming.

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